Tecnate TTN 2521

Tecnate TTN 2521 is a TDI/polyether-based (PTMEG) liquid polymer which yields a 90 Shore A hardness when cured with 4;4’ methylene-(orthochloroaniline); commonly called MOCA.


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Technical Data Sheet


  • Abrasion Resistant Parts
  • Agricultural Industry
  • Tires
  • Wheels


  • Excellent low temperature flexibility
  • Good resistance to heat and humidity
  • Good toughness and abrasion resistance
  • High resilience
  • Low viscosity
  • Very good dynamic properties
Product Types



Product Testing

Test PerformedTest Results
Demold Time1 Hours 
Elongation - ASTM D412 - Cured with Ethacure 300410 % 
Elongation - ASTM D412 - cured with MOCA430 % 
Hardness - ASTM D2240 - Shore A88-92 Shore A 
Open Time - ISO3.95-4.35 % 
Post Cure Time16 Hours 
Pot Life - 100g10 Minutes 
Rebound, Bayshore % - ASTM D2632 - Cured with Ethacure 30040 % 
Rebound, Bayshore % - ASTM D2632 - cured with MOCA42 % 
Tear Strength - ASTM D624 - Cured with Ethacure 300500 pli 
Tensile Strength - ASTM D412 - Cured with Ethacure 3003000 psi 
Tensile Strength - ASTM D412 - cured with MOCA5500 psi 
Tensile Strength - ASTM D412 - Ethacure 300 cure2000 psi