IsoCoat KL257

IsoCoat KL257 is a hand-mixed PATCH for use in the pipe coating industry. It is compatible with both polyurea and polyurethane coatings. Its low viscosity makes it quite easy to hand mix and pour or trowel into place. With a 12-15 minute gel time; there is ample time to patch large or multiple areas. The viscosity of the mixed product allows patching on the sides and bottom of pipes.


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Technical Data Sheet


  • Pipe coatings (interior/exterior)
Product Types



Product Testing

Test PerformedTest Results
Color - ISOAmber  
Color - POLGrey,Black,Green  
Elongation - ASTM D41210 % 
Gel Time12-15 Minutes 
Hardness - ASTM D2240 - Shore D60 Shore D 
Ratio by Weight - ISO:POL28:100  
Tear Strength - ASTM D624, Die C275 pli 
Tensile Strength - ASTM D4123645 psi