IsoBond HSN 2102

IsoBond HSN 2102 is a non-flammable, single-component, moisture cure, high-performance polyurethane adhesive used to bond a wide variety of substrates. IsoBond HSN 2102 was designed specifically as a squeegee grade adhesive for the athletic turf surface market. It can also be used for bonding two or more substrates such as carpet, wood, foam, metal, and most plastics to one another. IsoBond HSN 2102 provides a permanent, flexible bond.


Product Types

Adhesive & Reactive Hot Melt


Product Testing

Test PerformedTest Results
% Solids55 % 
Color - ISOPale Yellow  
Elongation - ASTM D4126 % 
Full Cure24-72 Hours 
Tear Strength - ASTM D624, Die C220 pli 
Tensile Strength - ASTM D4122360 psi 
Weight per gallon - ISO10.22 wpg