IsoBond HBN 2232

IsoBond HBN 2232 is a solvent free, two component, polyurea / polyurethane hybrid cast elastomer. This product has been designed for an adhesive for turf seams. The quick rate of cure allows the product to receive light to moderate handling time within 20-30 min of cure time. Full cure is usually reached within 24 hours.


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Technical Data Sheet
Product Types

Sports Surfacing


Product Testing

Test PerformedTest Results
Elongation - ASTM D412260 % 
Hardness - ASTM D2240 - Shore A90 Shore A 
Ratio by Volume - ISO:POL1:1  
Ratio by Weight - ISO:POL1.04:1  
Tear Strength - ASTM D624, Die C128 pli 
Tensile Strength - ASTM D4121360 psi 
Weight per gallon - ISO9.06  
Weight per gallon - POL8.88